
Bigfoot interview with Dr. Simeon Hein, Ph.D., author of Dark Matter Monsters

Dr. Simeon Hein, Ph.D. is a sociologist, author, and musician who has a new book out, ‘Dark Matter Monsters,’ that examines Bigfoot through a scientific lens — and proposes ideas that could also explain other cryptids, UFOs, ghosts, orbs, and other paranormal phenomena.

My two-hour interview with Simeon lets him expand on his theories about coherent energy-matter — while also addressing the stigma surrounding these topics (social, academic) and institutional denial (government, media) that it’s even happening.

Watch with an open mind… I believe the truth is out there if we’re looking — and bold, brave work like Simeon’s is pushing us closer to it.

Order Simeon’s book at

Richard Turgeon interview with author Simeon Hein, author of ‘Dark Matter Monsters’


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The Bigfoot “Freeman Footage”: Interview with Michael Freeman, son of Paul Freeman

 The Bigfoot “Freeman Footage”: Interview with Michael Freeman, son of Paul Freeman

On August 20, 1992, former Forest Service ranger and outdoorsman Paul Freeman videotaped a Bigfoot in Oregon’s Blue Mountains. This post examines Paul’s life and features my hour-long interview with Paul’s son, Michael, who’s publishing a book about his father.